Frequently Asked Questions

  • This choice depends on your reason for wanting to learn Arabic and what you plan to use it for. If you are interested in learning Arabic to read official documents, newspapers, literature, classical texts, to understand media or for academic reasons, MSA will be more appropriate.

    If your primary goal is to communicate in everyday, informal situations, learning Colloquial Arabic/ the Palestinian dialect is a better choice.

    It's also worth noting that once you have a strong foundation in one, learning the other becomes easier due to the shared grammar and vocabulary.

  • Yes, the Arabic script provides a more accurate representation of sounds in the language compared to transliterations. Understanding the script will help you pronounce words correctly, as certain sounds in Arabic do not have direct equivalents in English or other languages.

    In many Arab societies, people use the Arabic script for written communication. Whether you're communicating through emails, text messages, or social media, having a grasp of the script allows you to engage more effectively with native speakers.

  • Yes, we have students who are focusing solely on conversational Arabic, as well as students who are learning to read and write in Arabic.

  • Yes, we provide learning materials to our students as part of the lessons. These will be provided based on the learning needs of the student and at the appropriate learning level.

  • We offer a 30-minute trial lesson for a nominal fee of $15.

    In the trial lesson we will assess your proficiency level, get to know you better and help you set learning goals. This also allows us to tailor future lessons to your specific needs and preferences.

  • The time needed to speak Arabic fluently depends on various factors, such as how often you have lessons, the amount of time you dedicate to studying, and your immersion in the language. On average, with consistent effort and practice, it can take anywhere from six months to a year to reach a conversational level. Regular practice, interacting with native speakers, and immersing yourself in the language can significantly speed up your progress.

    We guarantee that you will make significant progress each month and enjoy the learning experience.